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Kelsey Axworthy, Industrial Firefighter

Kelsey Axworthy, Basic Firefighting Squad 20
Industrial Firefighter, HSE Integrated

Kelsey graduated from the Atlantic Police Academy's Basic Firefighting program in 2018. Now she is employed as an industrial firefighter for HSE Integrated, an industrial health and safety service provider. Kelsey took some time out recently to answer a few questions for us.

Why did you choose the Basic Firefighting program? 

I was initially attracted to the basic firefighting program at 内射大奶 because of its excellent reputation in my home province of Nova Scotia, and I knew several individuals who had attended the program in the past, all of whom have gained full time employment in various roles in the fire service. 

Was there anything in the program that surprised you? 

I was surprised by the knowledge and attention to detail that is instilled in each and every student. I gained the necessary skills and techniques I needed for my career, as well as gaining independence and various life skills. The instructors were extremely knowledgeable and had extensive backgrounds in the fire service, which played a role in the direct and in-depth education that I had received in and out of the classroom. 

Do you feel the program prepared you to enter the work force? 

The education I received prepared me exceptionally well for a smooth transition from the program to workplace by providing me with the skills necessary to succeed. On my first day with HSE Integrated as an industrial firefighter, I called on my newly acquired skills and used them efficiently on the job. The program also helped to develop my communication skills, which is important, as I am required to work quickly and effectively with others. I feel that the experience I gained was truly valuable, as it has prepared me to be successful in my line of work. 

What advice would you give to someone considering a career in this field? 

My advice for someone seriously Interested in a career within the fire service would be that they should go for it! In my opinion this is one of the most fulfilling and rewarding careers you can have. Working with the community and helping others makes this the best job in the world. 

For more information, please contact:
Sara Underwood, Media and Communications Officer
Tel: 902-566-9695
Date: June 21, 2019