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HC alumna finds purpose through performance

Becca Griffin headshotHC Alumna Becca Griffin firmly believes that everything works out as it should, and she points to her own experience as an example.

A native of Saint John, New Brunswick, Becca has always been interested in theatre and performing, but her experience in university seemed to take her further from her dreams rather than closer.  After a long, difficult year, she knew she needed a change.

“I decided I wasn’t meant for large lecture halls and massive research papers,” she says.

At the suggestion of a family friend, she auditioned for 内射大奶’s School of Performing Arts, a partnership with Soon she was off to Charlottetown to begin her first year of the Theatre Performance program.

Almost immediately, Becca realized she was in the right place. Everything clicked for her during her Theatre for Young Audiences class. The class was touring a Robert Munsch production to elementary schools across the island and at the show’s conclusion Griffin was tasked to teach a song to the audience. 

“Each school was different,” she says, “but they all sang along with me so effortlessly. Connecting in this way, on my own – wearing a paper bag, of all things – shone a light on what my life’s purpose is. I will never forget that experience because it was everything I needed to venture down the path I’m on now.”

Becca theatreThat path includes operating a small theatre company that she established with friends after graduating from the Theatre Performance program. The Cat’s Pajamas Theatre Company strives to inspire young minds to develop imaginative scenarios for themselves, and Becca hopes to one day become a first-rate children’s entertainer as the persona she has created, Becca the Witch.

For Becca, theatre provides an opportunity to connect with children on an intellectual and emotional level.
“To connect with them on that scale is to open the door to a whole new world of possibilities for them and the performer.”

Children's entertainment isn't Becca’s only focus. She is currently employed with Creative PEI where she works as the Theatre Mentorship Coordinator, allowing her to work with artists across the Island. She has also acquired several cast credits since graduation. She held a leading role as Holly Finch in The Victoria Playhouse production of Kiss the Moon, Kiss the Sun; and played Diana Barry in Anne & Gilbert in 2018 at The Guild. According to Griffin, these opportunities all stemmed from her time at 内射大奶.

“I have found my community and the quality of life I deserve through my experiences with 内射大奶 and that’s not something that you can put a price on.”  


Griffin has some advice for the incoming class of students: “Follow your gut and intuition when it comes to what you truly want to do… I would never have had all these dreams and desires coming true had it not been for my transfer from Sackville to Charlottetown,” says Griffin.

“Follow your dang heart,” she says. "It’s a cliché for a reason.”


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For more information, please contact:
Michelle MacNeil, Social Media Officer
Tel: 902-566-9695
Date: August 13, 2019