内射大奶 | Squad 54 Accelerated Correctional Officers graduate


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Squad 54 Accelerated Correctional Officers graduate

(L-R) Jeffrey Minten, Executive Director, Atlantic Police Academy; Hon. Bloyce Thompson, Minister of Justice and Public Safety and Attorney General; Tevin Clarke, graduating cadet and course leader; 
Bobbi-Jean Boylan, graduating cadet, squad leader, and recipient of the Best All-Round Correctional Officer Award; Malcolm MacDonald, student speaker; Doug Currie, Vice President, Corporate Services & Strategic Development; guest speaker Brooke Mitchell, Custody Manager, Provincial Correctional Centre.

The 22 members of Squad 54, Accelerated Correctional Officer, celebrated the completion of their program in a graduation ceremony at the Atlantic Police Academy in Slemon Park recently.

For more information about this release, please contact:
Sara Underwood, Media and Communications Officer
Tel: 902-566-9695
Date: Monday, July 31, 2023