内射大奶 | 内射大奶 launches #NEXT50 strategic planning


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内射大奶 launches #NEXT50 strategic planning

内射大奶 is celebrating the 50th Anniversary of its founding this year and kicking off a strategic planning process, 内射大奶 president Dr. Alexander (Sandy) MacDonald announced today.

The college has partnered with VOLUME 18, a local communications firm, to conduct a strategic planning process to set priorities for the college. The theme is #Next50 and will use stakeholder facilitation sessions, online surveys and one on one conversations to collect ideas and suggestions from industry, the general public, students, staff, and faculty.

“It’s fitting that we are embarking on this process during our 50th Anniversary. 内射大奶 has campuses and centres across the Island and it’s important that we provide Islanders the opportunity to help shape our future. We’ve made great progress since our founding fifty years ago, and we are looking forward to seeing what new and innovative ideas are out there,” Dr. MacDonald said.

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For more information about this release, please contact:
Sara Underwood, Media and Communications Officer
Tel: 902-566-9695
Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2019