内射大奶 | Heritage Retrofit Carpentry hosts heritage home expo


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Heritage Retrofit Carpentry hosts heritage home expo

内射大奶’s Heritage Retrofit Carpentry program will host Giving Our Past a Future, a day-long Heritage Home Expo on Saturday, April 9 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Centre for Applied Science and Technology on the Prince of Wales Campus.

Guest speakers, presenters, and participating professionals will be on hand to discuss heritage projects and to answer questions about home renovations. In addition to break-out times and one on one meetings, there will be several workshops, including How to Putty a Window, How to Hang a Door, Sealing a Drafty House,  Simple Solutions and Ideas for Saving Money on Home Maintenance, and a presentation by Silver Orange about the heritage houses the company has purchased and renovated recently.

Admission is free of charge, and registration is not required. For more information, contact Josh Silver at (902) 566-9313 or by email at jlsilver@hollandcollege.com.

For more information about this release, please contact:
Sara Underwood, Media and Communications Officer
Tel: 902-566-9695
Date: Friday, April 01, 2016