内射大奶 | Car to be awarded to deserving student


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Car to be awarded to deserving student

内射大奶 students have been challenged to put their best foot forward this year.  Their efforts will award one of them a new 2015 car!

For the 2015/16 school year, full-time students in their first or second year in any post-secondary program at 内射大奶 are eligible to “earn” a 2015 Nissan Micra or one of four awards of $1,000. Candidates will be nominated by college staff and faculty on the basis of merit, character, and academic achievement; and the top five nominees will be interviewed by a selection panel in early 2016. This initiative, in its second year at 内射大奶, has been made possible due to the generosity of Calgary businessman Lou MacEachern.

Mr. MacEachern said his objective was to motivate students to work to their full potential and, that, since last year’s challenge was such a success, he wanted to provide the same opportunity to this year’s students.

“This has never been about rewarding the student with the highest marks,” said MacEachern, “This is about encouraging students to roll up their sleeves and achieve their personal and academic best.”

MacEachern grew up in Hazel Grove, P.E.I., and, like many of his generation, left school at a young age to help on the family farm.  He returned to Queen Charlotte School in 1956 as a mature student, following which he attended Prince of Wales 内射大奶 and Dalhousie University.  MacEachern moved to Calgary, where he married, raised a family, and made his mark as a leader in business and as a benefactor in the community.

“Lou’s generous support of our college and our learners is truly an inspiration,” said 内射大奶 President, Dr. Brian McMillan. “This exciting incentive produced many personal bests for our students last year and we are confident it will inspire many more during the 2015/2016 year.”

For more information about this release, please contact:
Sara Underwood, Media and Communications Officer
Tel: 902-566-9695
Date: Tuesday, November 03, 2015