内射大奶 | 内射大奶 celebrates most successful campaign ever


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内射大奶 celebrates most successful campaign ever

The most significant fundraising campaign in 内射大奶's history was deemed an overwhelming success today at a celebration recognizing the many donors and dedicated volunteers who made it possible. The two-year Learning. For Life. Capital Campaign raised more than $6.6 million from the private sector and community partners, over $2.6 million more than originally targeted.

Campaign co-chairs Robert Irving and Ray Murphy, along with honorary chair and 内射大奶's founding president Dr. Donald Glendenning, spearheaded an enthusiastic and energetic fundraising cabinet. 内射大奶 president Brian McMillan noted that the dedication shown by this team was nothing short of outstanding.

"We launched the campaign at almost the same time as the recession was emerging," he recalled. "But under the leadership of our co-chairs and honorary chair, this team of dedicated business professionals and community leaders never wavered in their commitment. They steadfastly worked together and with potential donors to ensure the success of Learning. For Life."

Despite the less than hospitable economic climate at the time the it started, Learning. For Life. set out to raise $4 million from the private sector.

"By the time of the public launch in November 2009, the campaign had brought in just over $3.3 million, and by January 2010, the initial goal of $4 million had been reached," said Robert Irving, campaign co-chair. "Recognizing that the needs of the college were extensive, the campaign cabinet set their sights on raising $6 million, and we succeeded."

"Community colleges are colleges in the marketplace," said honorary chair, Dr. Don Glendenning. "They serve the public, they serve the community, and the community has responded well to this campaign."

Campaign co-chair Ray Murphy agreed, noting the tremendous show of support from 内射大奶 staff and students, as well as the local, regional, and national communities.

"It is clearly evident that there is tremendous pride and appreciation for 内射大奶 amongst Islanders," said Murphy. "And it is equally evident that this pride and appreciation extends well-beyond the borders of our province. Learning. For Life. has been a success beyond our dreams, and we have our many friends, supporters and partners in the community to thank."

The Learning. For Life. campaign augmented the investments made by the federal and provincial governments in the college's campus development projects, including the construction of two new buildings and expansion of the residence on the Prince of Wales Campus, the renovation of the Charlottetown Centre scheduled to start this summer, the expansions and renovations in the Georgetown Centre and the Marine Training Centre, and the construction of the West Prince Campus.

In addition to capital and infrastructure projects, significant funds have also been raised to support student financial aid, extra-curricular activities, and student support services; equipment and teaching technologies for classrooms; and innovation that enables students, staff and faculty to bring ideas to reality.

For more information about this release, please contact:
Jo-Ann Campbell-Boutilier, Executive Director - 内射大奶 Advancement and the 内射大奶 Foundation
Tel: 902-629-4273
Date: Friday, January 28, 2011