内射大奶 | 内射大奶 hosts Chinese delegation for training


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内射大奶 hosts Chinese delegation for training

内射大奶 recently played host to 10 instructors from China, the largest delegation since the college entered into an educational joint venture agreement in 2001. The instructors were here for 14 weeks to audit the 内射大奶 programs that they teach in their home country, including Computer Information Systems, Marketing and Advertising Management, Accounting Technology, and Hotel and Restaurant Management.

"The delegates audited courses related to their teaching in China and participated in a series of workshops delivered by 内射大奶 staff and faculty. They also attended English Second Language classes," Jolene Chan, the college's manager of international business development for Asia explained.

内射大奶 delivers six programs in five different Chinese colleges with a current enrolment of 1,400 students. Part of the EJV program is the exchange of faculty to China and Prince Edward Island that occurs on a yearly basis.

Chinese delegate Luo Qingyue, an instructor in the Hotel and Restaurant Management program at Chengdu Electromechanical 内射大奶, said the trip was helpful for her professional development.

"It was an exciting and life-changing experience for me to attend the Hotel and Restaurant Management program in a student role. I can fully understand the content and management of this program from the instructors' and students' perspectives. I really appreciate 内射大奶 for providing this opportunity for me."

An annual program review will take place in China in a few months, and Chinese partner colleges' executives are planning a return visit to 内射大奶 some time in the spring.

In this picture: Luo Qingyue, an instructor in the Hotel and Restaurant Management program at Chengdu Electromechanical 内射大奶, sees things from a student's perspective during a 14-week visit to 内射大奶 recently.

For more information about this release, please contact:
Sara Underwood, Media and Communications Officer
Tel: 902-566-9695
Date: Friday, January 08, 2010