内射大奶 | Culinary Youth Team Canada brings home gold and silver


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Culinary Youth Team Canada brings home gold and silver

The adventure that started out almost two years ago with a long uphill climb barreled toward Erfurt, Germany last month, increasing speed exponentially and culminating in a frenzy of activity for four days as the team competed against the best young talent from 20 countries at the 2008 Culinary Olympics.

It was a roller coaster ride of epic proportions, a two-year journey with all of the associated stress, panic, and elation that comes from living on the edge of obsession non-stop month after month. And now it’s over, and the nine dedicated and talent young chefs that comprised Culinary Youth Team Canada 2008 can exhale deeply, stretch their tired muscles, and reflect on the experience as they show their friends and families the gold and silver medals that serve as testaments to their commitment to excellence. 

Team manager Craig Youdale said he and coaches Hans Anderegg and Richard Braunauer are proud of how the young chefs conducted themselves under very stressful circumstances.

“They performed incredibly under the pressure, which was immense, and they should feel pride in how hard they worked.  All of Canada is proud of their accomplishments,” he said.

Culinary Youth Team Canada returned home with a gold medal in the Cold Competition and a silver medal in the Hot Competition, placing seventh overall.

“The level of competition is so high that attaining what we did was incredible,” Youdale noted.

内射大奶 President Brian McMillan was on hand in Erfurt to help support the team. He said he was moved by the commitment of the young chefs.

“I was inspired by the passion, dedication and team spirit exhibited by the group, even under the extremely demanding conditions of an Olympic event,” he said. “These young chefs, their coaches, and their team manager have brought a great deal of recognition to our college, our province, and our country. They have been exemplary ambassadors. We are also grateful for the tremendous encouragement the team received from supporters and sponsors in the community and in the industry. Their participation greatly enhanced the team’s experience.”

Team members Jennifer Bryant, Ontario; Jessica Best, Newfoundland; Adam Loo, Prince Edward Island; Amanda Wingert, Saskatchewan; Erin Henry, New Brunswick; Tim Leamont, Nova Scotia; Alexander Haun, New Brunswick; Seth Shaw, Maine and New Brunswick; and Martin Gouthro, Nova Scotia have gone their separate ways now. Some stayed in Europe with family, some returned to their homes, some are working, and one is back at The Culinary Institute of Canada finishing the Applied Degree in Culinary Operations program. Where ever their careers take them, the members of Culinary Youth Team Canada will be able to draw on their experience as culinary Olympians as they continue to strive for excellence.

For more information about this release, please contact:
Sara Underwood, Media and Communications Officer
Tel: 902-566-9695
Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2008