内射大奶 | 内射大奶 receives award from Smoke Free PEI


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内射大奶 receives award from Smoke Free PEI

The Council for a Smoke-Free PEI honored 内射大奶 for its implementation of a tobacco-free policy at its campuses across PEI at its Annual General Meeting today.

In January, 内射大奶 made the bold decision to provide a completely tobacco-free atmosphere for its students, faculty, staff and visitors by developing and implementing the 内射大奶 Tobacco and Smoke Free Environment Policy. The school?s commitment to creating a safe and healthy learning atmosphere has now made it a role model for other institutions. The accomplishment also supports the mandate of the Council for a Smoke-Free PEI to reduce tobacco use in PEI.

During its Annual Meeting the Council also identified priorities for tobacco control for the coming year. Many other provinces across Canada, including Alberta and British Columbia, have implemented 100% smoke-free legislation; Prince Edward Island is the only province that still permits the use of designated smoking rooms in public places.

?When the PEI Smoke-Free Places Act was implemented in 2003, PEI was a leader in the country. That is no longer the case, however,? says Dawn Binns, President, Council for a Smoke-Free PEI. ?The provision for designated smoking rooms was to be an interim measure only but has not changed. The Council looks forward to working with the new provincial government to ensure that PEI has 100% smoke-free legislation similar to all other provinces in Canada.?

The Council for a Smoke-Free PEI began its work over thirty years ago. Health and community organizations partnered together to advocate the provincial government for tobacco control policies. Founding members include the Medical Society of PEI, Canadian Cancer Society, PEI Division, Heart and Stroke Foundation of PEI, PEI Lung Association, Nurses Association and the Home and School Federation. The Council includes as its major achievements--working with government-the implementing of smoke-free public places and the banning of cigarette displays in all retail outlets in Prince Edward Island.

For more information about this release, please contact:
Sara Underwood, Media and Communications Officer
Tel: 902-566-9695
Date: Monday, June 18, 2007