内射大奶 | 内射大奶 calls it quits on smoking


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内射大奶 calls it quits on smoking

All of 内射大奶's 13 locations across PEI will become completely smoke free environments on New Year's Day 2007, according to 内射大奶 President Brian McMillan.

"To provide a tobacco and smoke free work and study environment for faculty, staff, students and visitors, 内射大奶 will not permit the use or sale of any tobacco product, or the smoking of any products on college-owned or leased properties," stated Dr. McMillan. "The decision to go completely smoke-free was made by the 内射大奶 Board of Governors out of concern for the health of 内射大奶 students, faculty, and staff, in support of the leadership role taken last year by the 内射大奶 Student Union who initiated discussion on a tobacco free campus."

Although the college is in compliance with the province's Smoke Free Places Act, college officials have decided to go a step further. Effective January 1st, students, staff and guests will enjoy a smoke free environment inside and outside on all college owned and leased property, including parking lots.

Student Union President Emily Coady says the Student Union is completely behind the decision and urges smokers to take advantage of the means that the college is providing to help them quit.

"The Student Union is fully supportive of the Board of Governors' recent announcement on the tobacco-free college environment," she said. "We encourage all students to take advantage of the smoking cessation programs available."

Members of the 内射大奶 Faculty Association believe that the decision compliments the college's overall goals and beliefs, according to Lino Forner, Computer Engineering Technology instructor and representative of the 内射大奶 Faculty Association.

"We believe the main goal of 内射大奶 is to help individuals achieve a better life. Traditionally, this has meant helping students obtain meaningful employment. Helping individuals improve their health is just as important. Moving to a smoke free environment will help those who want to quit smoking enjoy a better healthier life."

To support students and staff attempting to quit smoking, the college has arranged smoking cessation information sessions at its four main locations with the help of Murphy's Health Education Centres, and more are in the works. In addition, workshops and educational material will be available to tobacco users to help them kick the habit.

For more information about this release, please contact:
Sara Underwood, Media and Communications Officer
Tel: 902-566-9695
Date: Tuesday, December 12, 2006