内射大奶 | Students bring home gold


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Students bring home gold

Two graduates of 内射大奶's Culinary Institute of Canada accrued an impressive five gold medals, one silver medal, and two best of show medals at an international competition held in Grand Rapids, Michigan recently.

Gillian Gilfoy, of Antigonish, Nova Scotia; and Ontario native Jesse Keeghan Fraser traveled to The Nation's Cup International Culinary Competition with coach and Culinary Institute of Canada Instructor Hans Anderegg to represent Canada against teams from Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Scotland, and the United States.

Culinary competitions give new meaning to the term "pressure cooking". It's not just about taste, Chef Anderegg explained.

"Students are judged on creativity, workmanship, composition, and presentation. To add to the challenge, they are presented with a "black box" containing two mystery ingredients that must be featured prominently in the dish they prepare."

The competition consists of six different challenges including appetizers, entr?es, and a dish for the National Competition Dinner. Gilfoy, 22, and Fraser, 24, rose to the challenge admirably. In fact, Gilfoy said the mystery ingredients added to the excitement.

"After the first black box, we couldn't wait to get the next one," she said.

For two days prior to the competition, the students practised working together in the kitchen in preparation, and, with Chef Anderegg, plotted their strategy.

"We wanted our dishes to be the first that the judges tasted, while they were still hot," Chef Anderegg explained. "That required careful timing. If the dish was ready too early or too late, it wouldn't be at its best by the time the judges assessed it. The other competitors were impressed with our timing."

Fraser said it was a pleasure to represent Canada in the event.

"The competition in Grand Rapids was more like a convention between the countries involved," he said. "Each team did their best to represent the style and skill of their national cuisine. It was a learning experience, and a unique opportunity to make pathways into new territories for everyone."

Culinary students are now preparing for the Provincial Skills Competition taking place in late January, readying their application for the Knorr Competitions (for which they must submit recipes and menus), and then for the national finals. They are also preparing for the runoffs for the next Culinary Olympics. The team from the Culinary Institute of Canada won gold at the Culinary Olympics last year.

Gilfoy, who works at the Dundee Arms in Charlottetown, said that the competitions add to the excitement of her career.

"I never imagined that it would lead to travel opportunities," she said. "To go to Germany for the Olympics one year, and to Michigan this year, it's been very exciting."

In this picture: Culinary Institute of Canada graduates Gillian Gilfoy and Jesse Keeghan Fraser consult during the Nation's Cup International Culinary Competition held in Grand Rapids, Michigan, recently. Gilfoy and Fraser represented Canada and brought home five gold, a silver, and two Best of Show medals.

For more information about this release, please contact:
Sara Underwood, Media and Communications Officer
Tel: 902-566-9695
Date: Wednesday, November 16, 2005