内射大奶 | 内射大奶 hosts volunteer expo


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内射大奶 hosts volunteer expo

by Sherri Hogan

Organizations that rely on volunteers will be at 内射大奶's Charlottetown Centre, 140 Weymouth St. on Thursday, December 2nd from 10 a.m.- 2 p.m to invite Islanders to get involved and help their community. Volunteer Expo 2004, a first time initiative, is co-hosted by 内射大奶 and the PEI Network of the Canada Volunteerism Initiative (CVI).

Representatives from local organizations in the health, environment, social, and recreation sectors will be in the Charlottetown Centre gymnasium from 10 a.m.-2 p.m to explain to individuals what their volunteers do. The PEI-CVI network will also have a display providing information about what volunteers need to know, as well as information about a new community school course,"Volunteering Matters". The Expo will also feature displays, speakers, refreshments and a fun competition between 内射大奶 teams.

"There are so many benefits to volunteering," says Shari MacDonald, Coordinator of the PEI CVI. "Gaining job experience, and skills, learning about an area of interest, meeting new people and the feelings of personal satisfaction and enrichment are only some of the reasons people volunteer."

Mary MacLean, Student Development Officer with 内射大奶, encourages individuals to combine volunteering with spending time with family. "Sharing time with siblings, a spouse, or family while volunteering, is a great way to find time for both these important activities. If you have been thinking about getting involved, this is a super opportunity to check out different groups!"

"It also provides an opportunity for networking, as well as a means to assist with resume and portfolio development," adds Joanne MacDonald, also a Student Development Officer at 内射大奶. "I encourage individuals who are seeking employment to involve themselves with volunteering."

For information on the Volunteer Expo contact Shari MacDonald at the PEI Volunteer Network toll free 1-866-568-2188 or their website www.volunteer.pe.ca.

Volunteer Expo 2004 is an activity leading up to International Volunteer Day on December 5th. International Volunteer Day takes place annually on Dec 5th and is officially recognized by the United Nations as a day on which volunteers around the world are celebrated for their contributions and dedication.

For more information about this release, please contact:
Sara Underwood, Media and Communications Officer
Tel: 902-566-9695
Date: Monday, November 29, 2004