内射大奶 | Program manager returns from trip to Ireland


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Program manager returns from trip to Ireland

By Kirsten Ferguson, Journalism student

Atlantic Tourism and Hospitality Institute program manager Albert Roche spent a week in Ireland this past October hoping his school could establish partnerships with various Irish universities, and he didn't return to P.E.I. disappointed.

ATHI, an affiliate of 内射大奶, was one of 11 Island businesses who accompanied Egmont MP Joe McGuire and Premier Pat Binns on a P.E.I. trade mission to Ireland last October.

"I was representing both ATHI and the Culinary Institute of Canada," said Roche. There were four objectives he wanted to accomplish while he was in Ireland: "We wanted to establish academic relationships with some Irish universities and students. We wanted to develop internship programs for our students. We wanted to look at exchange programs and we wanted to promote the school to students."

Some of the Irish schools Roche visited were the Dublin Institute of Technology, Galway University, and Waterford Institute of Technology.

"In each of those schools, they had a number of degree programs relating to our studies here," said Roche. "We've begun discussions with all three universities and students are already applying for positions."

But Roche and the other delegates also had time for a little sightseeing and relaxation.

"We all had our different agendas, but obviously, on the social side of it, we'd gather from time to time," said Roche. The group visited hotels, golf courses, resorts, and chambers of commerce during their stay.

Ireland has recently transformed itself from a country with a high unemployment rate to the fastest growing economy in Europe. McGuire said the general purpose of the trade mission was to generate more business between Ireland and P.E.I. "I've become a believer in these kinds of trade missions," said McGuire. "I think everybody pretty well agreed that it was a worthwhile venture."

This was the first time Roche represented ATHI as part of a trade mission and he agreed it was a rewarding experience. "I think it's been very successful," said Roche. "We're certainly looking for Ireland as a very good partner for us. We want students from abroad coming here and we want our students to feel welcome in other parts of the world."

For more information about this release, please contact:
Sara Underwood, Media and Communications Officer
Tel: 902-566-9695
Date: Thursday, December 20, 2001