内射大奶 | Atlantic Police Academy and RCMP sign historic agreement


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Atlantic Police Academy and RCMP sign historic agreement


By Maria Driscoll

"It's real life exposure." That's how officials of the Policing program at the Justice Institute of Canada's Atlantic Police Academy describes the work experience program their cadets will be receiving under an arrangement formalized recently between the Academy and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

An historic signing and the only one of its kind in Canada, it is the culmination of a training relationship that began two years ago. Executive Director of 内射大奶's Justice Institute of Canada, Al Swim (right) and Terry Ryan (left), Deputy Commissioner of the RCMP Atlantic Region participated in the signing.

David Carty , Manager of the Police program, said academy cadets have traditionally done their training at the various municipal forces throughout the region, but over the past few years, there have also been some placements with both urban and rural RCMP detachments.

As is the case with municipal policing, Carty said that what the cadets will be exposed to will depend largely on where they are stationed for their 12 weeks of practical training. He explained "if you are in a rural detachment in Newfoundland, the type of things you would deal with would be considerably different than what you would deal with in Moncton, for example."

Carty said the feedback from the placements to date indicates the RCMP are pleased with the "enthusiasm, the respect, verbal skills and the discipline our cadets are showing out there." He said those are skills he and the other instructors at the Summerside-based Academy instill in the cadets. The program manager said there is no doubt those successes played a major role in coming to a formalized agreement.

Deputy Commissioner Terry Ryan of the RCMP Atlantic Region agrees. He said the relationship has worked out remarkably well, adding the APA cadets are extremely well trained. The deputy commissioner said the arrangement also gives the cadets an opportunity to explore the RCMP as a possible career option. This spring, there were 10 cadets on work placement training at RCMP detachments throughout the region.

The Executive Director of the Academy said the agreement will allow many cadets to complete their work placement closer to home, thereby cutting down on extra expenses. Al Swim said some graduates come to the Academy knowing they will be able to return home to do their work placement with their local municipal force. "For those that don't, this agreement will give them a much wider opportunity," Swim said.

The Atlantic Police Academy is part of 内射大奶, and the Chair of the 内射大奶's Board of Governors terms the agreement "an important milestone." Ed Lawlor said to be recognized by the RCMP, which he terms one of the finest policing agencies in the world, "reflects well on the Academy and the quality of instruction that is offered."

He is hoping it will encourage even more students to attend, since they may now be able to take their on-the-job training closer to home. Lawlor said "内射大奶 is very proud of this agreement, but we are not going to rest on our laurels. It is just the start of bigger and better things for the Academy."

For more information about this release, please contact:
Sara Underwood, Media and Communications Officer
Tel: 902-566-9695
Date: Thursday, June 08, 2000